If you are a resident of the EU you should also make sure to bring your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). If you don't have one, you can apply for one here (UK only) - http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcareabroad/EHIC/Pages/about-the-ehic.aspx Make sure to apply for the card in plenty of time. Note that the card is FREE. There are lots of websites taking up the first place positions on Google etc, who offer to get your card for a fee. Avoid these like the plague, there is no need to pay anything for your EHIC and the online application is very easy! Once here, it is worth making sure that you carry a photocopy of your medical / travel insurance documents, EHIC and Passport in your pack. Leave the originals in your hotel safe. Hopefully, you'll never need to use them anyway!