Is Cross Country legal in Tenerife?

I've read in places that all mountain biking in Tenerife is Illegal, is that true? Well, it's not 100% true. There are some places on the island where it is prohibited to ride off road, specifically within the Teide National Park. In these areas there are strict controls and fines for those caught breaking the rules. The fines can be very onerous, up to 1,500 euros per person, so we feel it's best to steer clear of these areas! There are a few sections of trail which pass through small areas of the Teide National Park where the National Park Rangers tolerate access as a means of accessing the road from outside of the park or as a means of exiting the park, but you should always be sure that you are riding on one of these permitted routes to be on the safe side. Outside the national park, most things are legal, the local senderos (footpaths) are not strictly legal to ride, but as is often the case in the UK, many riders do use these footpaths as they see little walking traffic and are excellent singletrack routes.